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Runs a series of hooks which mutate or content.result (the Feathers default).

  • Arguments

    • {...Function} Hook functions.
hooks...FunctionThe hooks to run. They will mutate for before hooks, or context.result for after hooks. This is the default action for hooks.
  • Example

    const { actOnDefault, actOnDispatch } = require('feathers-hooks-common');
    module.exports = {
      after: {
        find: [hook1(), actOnDispatch(hook2(), actOnDefault(hook3()), hook4()), hook5()]

    Hooks hook1, hook3 and hook5 will run "normally", mutating content.result. Hooks hook2 and hook4 will mutate context.dispatch.

  • Details

    A hook can call a series of hooks using actOnDispatch. Some of those hooks may call other hooks with actOnDefault or actOnDispatch. This can "turtle down" to further layers.

    The main purpose of actOnDefault is to "undo" actOnDispatch.


Runs a series of hooks which mutate context.dispatch.

  • Arguments

    • {...Function} Hook functions.
hooks...FunctionThe hooks to run. They will mutate context.dispatch.
  • Example

    const { actOnDefault, actOnDispatch } = require('feathers-hooks-common');
    module.exports = {
      after: {
        find: [hook1(), actOnDispatch(hook2(), actOnDefault(hook3()), hook4()), hook5()]

    Hooks hook1, hook3 and hook5 will run "normally", mutating content.result. Hooks hook2 and hook4 will mutate context.dispatch.

  • Details

    A hook can call a series of hooks using actOnDispatch. Some of those hooks may call other hooks with actOnDefault or actOnDispatch. This can "turtle down" to further layers.

    context.dispatch is a writeable, optional property and contains a "safe" version of the data that should be sent to any client. If context.dispatch has not been set context.result will be sent to the client instead.

    Note: context.dispatch only affects the data sent through a Feathers Transport like REST or An internal method call will still get the data set in context.result.


Make changes to data or result items. Very flexible.

  • Arguments
    • {Function} func
funcFunction(item, context) => {}Function modifies item in place. See below.
  • returns

The mutated item. Returning undefined means the item in the parameters was mutated in place. returns result undefined || item

  • Example

    const { alterItems } = require('feathers-hooks-common');
    module.exports = { before: {
        all: [
          alterItems(rec => { delete rec.password; }) // Like `discard('password')`.
          alterItems(rec => = email.lowerCase()), // Like `lowerCase('email')`.
    } };

    Async mutations can be handled with async/await:

    alterItems(rec => {
      rec.userRecord = (async () => await service.get(...) )()

    You can also perform async mutations using Promises by returning a Promise that is resolved once all mutations are complete:

    alterItems(rec => new Promise(resolve => {
      service.get(...).then(result => {
        rec.userRecord = result;

    You can also perform async mutations using Promises by returning a Promise that is resolved once all mutations are complete:

    alterItems(async rec => {
      rec.userRecord = await service.get(...);
  • Details

    The declarative nature of most of the common hooks, e.g. discard('password'), requires you to remember the names of a fair number of hooks, their parameters, and any possible nuances.

    The alterItems hook offers an imperative alternative where you directly alter the items. It allows you to reduce the number of trivial hooks you have to register, and you are aware of exactly what your alterItems hooks do.

    func is called for each item in (before hook) or context.result[.data] (after hook). It receives the parameters

    • {Object} item
    • {Object} context
    itemObjectThe item. The function modifies it in place.
    contextObjectThe current context. It contains any alterations made to items so far.
  • Returns

    func may alternatively return a replacement item rather than undefined. This is a convenience feature which permits, for example, use of functions from the Lodash library, as such functions tend to return new objects.


Persistent, least-recently-used record cache for services.

  • Arguments

    • {Object | Map} cacheMap
    • {String} [ keyField ]
    • {Object} [ options ]
      • {Function} [ clone ]
      • {Function} [makeCacheKey]
cacheMapObject MapInstance of Map, or an object with a similar API, to be used as the cache. or item._id ? '_id' !! 'id'The name of the record id field.
cloneFunctionitem => JSON.parse( JSON.stringify(item) )Function to perform a deep clone. See below.
makeCacheKeyFunctionkey => keyFunction to convert record key to cache key. Use this to convert MongoDB/Mongoose ObjectId/bson keys to a cache key using item._id.toString().
  • Example

    const CacheMap = require('@feathers-plus/cache');
    const { cache } = require('feathers-hooks-common');
    const cacheMap = CacheMap({ max: 100 }); // Keep the 100 most recently used.
    module.exports = {
      before: {
        all: cache(cacheMap)
      after: {
        all: cache(cacheMap)
    const { cache } = require('feathers-hooks-common');
    const cacheMap = new Map();
    module.exports = {
      before: {
        all: cache(cacheMap)
      after: {
        all: cache(cacheMap)
    const CacheMap = require('@feathers-plus/cache');
    const mongoose = require('mongoose');
    const { cache } = require('feathers-hooks-common');
    const cacheMap = CacheMap({ max: 100 });
    const makeCacheKey = key => (key instanceof mongoose.Types.ObjectId ? key.toString() : key);
    module.exports = {
      before: {
        all: cache(cacheMap, undefined, { makeCacheKey })
      after: {
        all: cache(cacheMap, undefined, { makeCacheKey })

    The cache hook must be registered in both before and after.

    The cache will grow without limit when `Map` is used and the resulting memory pressure may adversely affect your performance. `Map` should only be used when you know or can control its size.

  • Details

    The cache hook maintain a persistent cache for the service it is registerd on. A persistent cache stores records so future requests for those records can be served faster; the records stored in the cache are duplicates of records stored in the database.

    The get service method retrieves records from the cache and updates context.result [.data]. The other methods remove their entries from the cache in the before hook, and add entries in the after hook. All the records returned by a find call are added to the cache.

    The cache hook may be provided a custom Map instance to use as its memoization cache. Any object that implements the methods get(), set(), delete() and clear() can be provided. This allows for custom Maps which implement various cache algorithms to be provided.

    The companion @feathers-plus/cache provides a least recently-used cache which discards the least recently used items first. It is compatible with cache as well as the BatchLoaders used with the fastJoin hook.

    The cache hook can make fastJoin hooks run more efficiently.

    MongoDB and Mongoose store record keys as bson objects rather than as scalars. The safest way to use the cache is in conjunction with the makeCacheKey option.

  • options.clone

    The clone function has a single parameter.

    • {Object} item

    It returns

    • {Object} clonedItem
itemObjectThe record.
clonedItemObjectA clone of item.


Display the current hook context for debugging.

  • Arguments
    • {String} label
    • {Array < String >} [ fieldNames ]
labelStringLabel to identify the logged information.
fieldNamesdot notationThe field values in context.params to display.
  • Example

    const { debug } = require('feathers-hooks-common');
    module.exports = { before: {
        all: [ debug('step 1'), setNow('updatedAt'), debug(' step 2') ],
    } };
    // Result
    * step 1
    type: before, method: create
    data: { name: 'Joe Doe' }
    query: { sex: 'm' }
    result: { assigned: true }
    params props: [ 'query' ]
    * step 2
    type: before, method: create
    data: { name: 'Joe Doe', createdAt: 1510518511547 }
    query: { sex: 'm' }
    result: { assigned: true }
    params props: [ 'query' ]
    params.query: { sex: 'm' }
    error: ...
  • Details

    debug is great for debugging issues with hooks. Log the hook context before and after a hook to see what the hook started with, and what it changed.


Remove records and properties created by the populate hook.

  • Arguments
    • {Function} customDepop
customDepopFunctionrec => recAdditional modifications for a record.
  • Example

    const { dePopulate } = require('feathers-hooks-common');
    module.exports = {
      before: {
        all: [depopulate()]
  • Details

    Removes joined records, computed properties, and profile information created by populate. Populated and serialized items may, after dePopulate, be used in service calls.

    Removes fields created by resolver functions using fgraphql. Populated items may, after dePopulate, be used in a patch service call.


Disables pagination when query.$limit is -1 or '-1'.

  • Example

    const { disablePagination } = require('feathers-hooks-common');
    module.exports = {
      before: {
        find: disablePagination()
  • Details

    Pagination is disabled if context.query.$limit is -1 or '-1'. It works for all types of calls including REST.


Prevents access to a service method completely or for specific transports.

  • Arguments

    • {Array< String >} transports
transportsArray< String >disallow all transportsThe transports that you want to disallow.
socketiodisallow calls by Socket.IO transport
restdisallow calls by REST transport
externaldisallow calls other than from server
serverdisallow calls from server
  • Example

    const { disallow, iff } = require('feathers-hooks-common');
    module.exports = {
      before: {
        // Users can not be created by external access
        create: disallow('external'),
        // A user can not be deleted through the REST provider
        remove: disallow('rest'),
        // disallow calling `update` completely (e.g. to allow only `patch`)
        update: disallow(),
        // disallow the remove hook if the user is not an admin
        remove: iff(context => !context.params.user.isAdmin, disallow())
  • Details

    Prevents access to a service method completely or just for specific transports. All transports set the context.params.provider property, and disallow checks this.


Delete certain fields from the record(s).

yesyescreate, update, patchyessource

Note: The discard hook will remove fields even if the service is being called from the server. You may want to condition the hook to run only for external transports, e.g. iff(isProvider('external'), discard(...)).

  • Arguments
    • {Array < String >} fieldNames
fieldNamesdot notationOne or more fields you want to remove from the record(s).
  • Example

    const { discard, iff, isProvider } = require('feathers-hooks-common');
    module.exports = {
      after: {
        all: iff(isProvider('external'), discard('password', ''))
  • Details

    Delete the fields either from (before hook) or context.result[.data] (after hook). They are not modified if they are not an object, so a null value is supported.


Delete certain fields from the query object.


Note: The discardQuery hook will remove any fields not specified even if the service is being called from the server. You may want to condition the hook to run only for external transports, e.g. iff(isProvider('external'), discardQuery(...)).

  • Arguments
    • {Array < String >} fieldNames
fieldNamesdot notationOne or more fields you want to remove from the query.
  • Example

    const { discardQuery, iff, isProvider } = require('feathers-hooks-common');
    module.exports = {
      after: {
        all: iff(isProvider('external'), discardQuery('secret'))
  • Details

    Delete the fields from context.params.query.


Join related records.


fastJoin is preferred over using populate.

  • Arguments

    • {Object | Function} resolvers

      • {Function} [ before ]
      • {Function} [ after ]
      • {Object} joins
    • {Object | Function} [ query ]

resolversObject or context => ObjectThe group of operations to perform on the data.
queryObjectrun all resolvers with undefined paramsYou can customise the current operations with the optional query.
beforecontext => { }Processing performed before the operations are started. Batch-loaders are usually created here.
aftercontext => { }Processing performed after all other operations are completed.
joinsObjectResolver functions provide a mapping between a portion of a operation and actual backend code responsible for handling it.

Read the guide for more information on the arguments.

  • Example using Feathers services

    The services in all these examples are assumed, for simplicity, to have pagination disabled. You will have to decide when to use `paginate: false` in your code.

    // project/src/services/posts/posts.hooks.js
    const { fastJoin } = require('feathers-hooks-common');
    const postResolvers = {
      joins: {
          (...args) =>
          async post =>
            ( = (
              await users.find({
                query: { id: post.userId },
                paginate: false
        starers: $select => async post =>
          (post.starers = await users.find({
            query: { id: { $in: post.starIds }, $select: $select || ['name'] },
            paginate: false
    const query = {
      author: true,
      starers: [['id', 'name']]
    module.exports = {
      after: {
        all: [fastJoin(postResolvers, query)]
    // Original record
    [{ id: 1, body: 'John post', userId: 101, starIds: [102, 103, 104] }][
      // Result
        id: 1,
        body: 'John post',
        userId: 101,
        starIds: [102, 103, 104],
        author: { id: 101, name: 'John' },
        starers: [{ name: 'Marshall' }, { name: 'Barbara' }, { name: 'Aubree' }]
  • Example with recursive operations

    // project/src/services/posts/posts.hooks.js
    const { fastJoin } = require('feathers-hooks-common');
    const postResolvers = {
      joins: {
        comments: {
          resolver: ($select, $limit, $sort) => async post => post.comments = await comments.find({
            query: { postId:, $select: $select, $limit: $limit || 5, [$sort]: { createdAt: -1 } },
            paginate: false
          joins: {
            author: $select => async comment => = (await users.find({
              query: { id: comment.userId, $select: $select },
              paginate: false
    const query = {
      comments: {
        args: [...],
        author: [['id', 'name']]
    module.exports = { after: {
        all: [ fastJoin(postResolvers, query) ],
    } };
    // Original record
    [ { id: 1, body: 'John post', userId: 101, starIds: [102, 103, 104] } ]
    // Result
    [ { id: 1,
        body: 'John post',
        userId: 101,
        starIds: [ 102, 103, 104 ],
         [ { id: 11,
             text: 'John post Marshall comment 11',
             postId: 1,
             userId: 102,
             author: { id: 102, name: 'Marshall' } },
           { id: 12,
             text: 'John post Marshall comment 12',
             postId: 1,
             userId: 102,
             author: { id: 102, name: 'Marshall' } },
           { id: 13,
             text: 'John post Marshall comment 13',
             postId: 1,
             userId: 102,
             author: { id: 102, name: 'Marshall' } } ]
    } ]
  • Example with a simple batch-loader

    // project/src/services/posts/posts.hooks.js
    const { fastJoin } = require('feathers-hooks-common');
    const BatchLoader = require('@feathers-plus/batch-loader');
    const { loaderFactory } = BatchLoader;
    const postResolvers = {
      before: context => {
        context._loaders = { user: {} }; = loaderFactory(users, 'id', false, {
          paginate: false
      joins: {
        author: () => async (post, context) =>
          ( = await,
        starers: () => async (post, context) =>
            ? null
            : (post.starers = await
    module.exports = {
      after: {
        all: [fastJoin(postResolvers)]
    // Original record
    [{ id: 1, body: 'John post', userId: 101, starIds: [102, 103, 104] }][
      // Result
        id: 1,
        body: 'John post',
        userId: 101,
        starIds: [102, 103, 104],
        author: { id: 101, name: 'John' },
        starers: [
          { id: 102, name: 'Marshall' },
          { id: 103, name: 'Barbara' },
          { id: 104, name: 'Aubree' }
  • Comprehensive example

    // project/src/services/posts/posts.hooks.js
    const { fastJoin, makeCallingParams } = require('feathers-hooks-common');
    const BatchLoader = require('@feathers-plus/batch-loader');
    const { getResultsByKey, getUniqueKeys } = BatchLoader;
    const commentResolvers = {
      joins: {
        author: () => async (comment, context) => !comment.userId ? null :
          comment.userRecord = await
    const postResolvers = {
      before: context => {
        context._loaders = { user: {}, comments: {} };
    = new BatchLoader(async (keys, context) => {
            const result = await users.find(makeCallingParams(
              context, { id: { $in: getUniqueKeys(keys) } }, undefined, { paginate: false }
            return getResultsByKey(keys, result, user =>, '!');
          { context }
        context._loaders.comments.postId = new BatchLoader(async (keys, context) => {
            const result = await comments.find(makeCallingParams(
              context, { postId: { $in: getUniqueKeys(keys) } }, undefined, { paginate: false }
            return getResultsByKey(keys, result, comment => comment.postId, '[!]');
          { context }
      joins: {
        author: () => async (post, context) =>
          post.userRecord = await,
        starers: () => async (post, context) => !post.starIds ? null :
          post.starIdsRecords = await,
        comments: {
          resolver: (...args) => async (post, context) =>
            post.commentRecords = await context._loaders.comments.postId.load(,
          joins: commentResolvers,
    const query = {
      author: true,
      starers: [['id', 'name']],
      comments: {
        args: null,
        author: [['id', 'name']]
    module.exports = { after: {
        all: [ fastJoin(postResolvers, context => query) ],
    } };
    // Original record
    [ { id: 1,
        body: 'John post',
        userId: 101,
        starIds: [102, 103, 104],
        reputation: [ // The `populate` hook cannot handle this structure.
          { userId: 102, points: 1 },
          { userId: 103, points: 1 },
          { userId: 104, points: 1 }
    // Results
    [ { id: 1,
        body: 'John post',
        userId: 101,
        starIds: [ 102, 103, 104 ],
         [ { userId: 102, points: 1, author: 'Marshall' },
           { userId: 103, points: 1, author: 'Barbara' },
           { userId: 104, points: 1, author: 'Aubree' } ],
        author: { id: 101, name: 'John' },
         [ { id: 11,
             text: 'John post Marshall comment 11',
             postId: 1,
             userId: 102,
             author: { id: 102, name: 'Marshall' } },
           { id: 12,
             text: 'John post Marshall comment 12',
             postId: 1,
             userId: 102,
             author: { id: 102, name: 'Marshall' } },
           { id: 13,
             text: 'John post Marshall comment 13',
             postId: 1,
             userId: 102,
             author: { id: 102, name: 'Marshall' } } ],
         [ { id: 102, name: 'Marshall' },
           { id: 103, name: 'Barbara' },
           { id: 104, name: 'Aubree' } ] },
  • Example Using a Persistent Cache

    const { cache, fastJoin, makeCallingParams } = require('feathers-hooks-common');
    const BatchLoader = require('@feathers-plus/batch-loader');
    const CacheMap = require('@feathers-plus/cache');
    const { getResultsByKey, getUniqueKeys } = BatchLoader;
    // Create a cache for a maximum of 100 users
    const cacheMapUsers = CacheMap({ max: 100 });
    // Create a batchLoader using the persistent cache
    const userBatchLoader = new BatchLoader(
      async keys => {
        const result = await users.find(
          makeCallingParams({}, { id: { $in: getUniqueKeys(keys) } }, undefined, {
            paginate: false
        return getResultsByKey(keys, result, user =>, '!');
      { cacheMap: cacheMapUsers }
    const postResolvers = {
      before: context => {
        context._loaders = { user: {} }; = userBatchLoader;
      joins: {
        author: () => async (post, context) =>
          ( = await,
        starers: () => async (post, context) =>
            ? null
            : (post.starers = await
    const query = {
      author: true,
      starers: [['id', 'name']],
      comments: {
        args: null,
        author: [['id', 'name']]
    module.exports = {
      before: {
        all: cache(cacheMapUsers)
      after: {
        all: [cache(cacheMapUsers), fastJoin(postResolvers, () => query)]

    The number of service calls needed to run the query above the second time:

Usingnumber of service calls
fastJoin alone2
fastJoin and cache0

The cache hook also makes get service calls more efficient.

The cache hook must be registered in both before and after.

  • Details

    We often want to combine rows from two or more tables based on a relationship between them. The fastJoin hook will select records that have matching values in both tables. It can batch service calls and cache records, thereby needing roughly an order of magnitude fewer database calls than the populate hook, e.g. 2 calls instead of 20.

    Relationships such as 1:1, 1:m, n:1, and n:m relationships can be handled.

    fastJoin uses a GraphQL-like imperative API, and it is not restricted to using data from Feathers services. Resources for which there are no Feathers adapters can be used.

    The companion @feathers-plus/cache implements a least recently-used cache which discards the least recently used items first. When used in conjunction with the cache hook, it can be used to implement persistent caches for BatchLoaders. BatchLoaders configured this way would retain their cache between requests, eliminating the need to prime the cache at the start of each request.


Execute one or another series of hooks depending on a sync or async predicate.

  • Arguments
    • {Boolean | Promise | Function} predicate
    • {Array< Function >} hookFuncsTrue
    • {Array< Function >} hookFuncsFalse
predicateBoolean, Promise or FunctionDetermine if hookFuncsTrue or hookFuncsFalse should be run. If a function, predicate is called with the context as its param. It returns either a boolean or a Promise that evaluates to a boolean.
hookFuncsTrueArray< Function >Sync or async hook functions to run if true. They may include other conditional hooks.
hookFuncsFalseArray< Function >Sync or async hook functions to run if false. They may include other conditional hooks.
  • Example

    const { discard, iff, isProvider, populate } = require('feathers-hooks-common');
    const isNotAdmin = adminRole => context => context.params.user.roles.indexOf(adminRole || 'admin') === -1;
    module.exports = { before: {
      create: iff(
        () => new Promise((resolve, reject) => { ... }),
        populate('user', { field: 'authorisedByUserId', service: 'users' })
      get: [ iff(isNotAdmin(), discard('budget')) ]
          iff(isProvider('rest'), hook1, hook2, hook3)
          .else(hook4, hook5),
          iff(hook => hook.path === 'users', hook6, hook7)
    } };
  • Details

    Resolve the predicate, then run one set of hooks sequentially.

    The predicate and hook functions will not be called with this set to the service, as is normal for hook functions. Use hook.service instead.


Execute one array of hooks or another based on a sync or async predicate.

  • Arguments
    • {Function} predicate
    • {Array< Functions >} hookFuncsTrue
    • {Array< Functions >} hookFuncsFalse
predicateBoolean, Promise or FunctionDetermine if hookFuncsTrue or hookFuncsFalse should be run. If a function, predicate is called with the context as its param. It returns either a boolean or a Promise that evaluates to a boolean.
hookFuncsTrueArray< Function >Sync or async hook functions to run if true. They may include other conditional hooks.
hookFuncsFalseArray< Function >Sync or async hook functions to run if false. They may include other conditional hooks.
  • Example

    const { iffElse, populate, serialize } = require('feathers-hooks-common');
    module.exports = { after: {
      create: iffElse(() => { ... },
        [populate(poAccting), serialize( ... )],
        [populate(poReceiving), serialize( ... )]
    } };
  • Details

    Resolve the predicate, then run one set of hooks sequentially.

    The predicate and hook functions will not be called with this set to the service, as is normal for hook functions. Use hook.service instead.


Keep certain fields in the record(s), deleting the rest.

yesyescreate, update, patchyessource

Note: The keep hook will remove any fields not specified even if the service is being called from the server. You may want to condition the hook to run only for external transports, e.g. iff(isProvider('external'), keep(...)).

  • Arguments
    • {Array < String >} fieldNames
fieldNamesdot notationThe only fields you want to keep in the record(s).
  • Example

    const { keep } = require('feathers-hooks-common');
    module.exports = {
      after: {
        create: keep('name', 'dept', '')
  • Details

    Update either (before hook) or context.result[.data] (after hook). Their values are returned if they are not an object, so a null value is supported.


Keep certain fields in a nested array inside the record(s), deleting the rest.

yesyescreate, update, patchyessource

Note: The keepInArray hook will remove any fields not specified even if the service is being called from the server. You may want to condition the hook to run only for external transports, e.g. iff(isProvider('external'), keepInArray(...)).

  • Arguments
    • {String} arrayName
    • {Array< String >} fieldNames
arrayNameStringField name containing an array of objects. Dot notation is supported.
fieldNamesArray< String >Field names to keep in each object. Dot notation is supported.
  • Example

    const { keepInArray } = require('feathers-hooks-common');
    module.exports = {
      after: {
        create: keepInArray('users', ['name', 'dept', '']),
        find: keepInArray('account.users', ['name', 'dept', ''])
  • Details

    Update either (before hook) or context.result[.data] (after hook). Their values are returned if they are not an object, so a null value is supported.


Keep certain fields in the query object, deleting the rest.

yesyescreate, update, patchyessource

Note: The keepQuery hook will remove any fields not specified even if the service is being called from the server. You may want to condition the hook to run only for external transports, e.g. iff(isProvider('external'), keepQuery(...)).

  • Arguments
    • {Array < String >} fieldNames
fieldNamesdot notationThe only fields you want to keep in the query object.
  • Example

    const { keepQuery } = require('feathers-hooks-common');
    module.exports = {
      after: {
        create: keepQuery('name', '')
  • Details

    Updates context.params.query.


Keep certain fields in a nested array inside the query object, deleting the rest.


Note: The keepQueryInArray hook will remove any fields not specified even if the service is being called from the server. You may want to condition the hook to run only for external transports, e.g. iff(isProvider('external'), keepQueryInArray(...)).

  • Arguments
    • {Array < String >} fieldNames
fieldNamesdot notationThe only fields you want to keep in a nested array inside the query object.
  • Arguments
    • {String} arrayName
    • {Array< String >} fieldNames
arrayNameStringField name containing an array of objects. Dot notation is supported.
fieldNamesArray< String >Field names to keep in each object. Dot notation is supported.
  • Example

    const { keepQueryInArray } = require('feathers-hooks-common');
    module.exports = {
      before: {
        find: keepQueryInArray('$or', ['name', 'dept', ''])
  • Details

    Updates context.params.query. Their values are returned if they are not an object, so a null value is supported.


Convert certain field values to lower case.

yesyescreate, update, patchyessource
  • Arguments
    • {Array < String >} fieldNames
fieldNamesdot notationThe fields in the record(s) whose values are converted to lower case.
  • Example

    const { lowerCase } = require('feathers-hooks-common');
    module.exports = {
      before: {
        create: lowerCase('email', 'username', 'div.dept')
  • Details

    Update either (before hook) or context.result[.data] (after hook).


Wrap MongoDB foreign keys in ObjectID.

  • Arguments

    • {Function} ObjectID
    • {Array < String >} foreignKeyNames
ObjectIDFunction-require('mongodb').ObjectID or equivalent.
foreignKeyNamesArray < String > dot notation allowed-Field names of the foreign keys.
  • Example

    const { ObjectID } = require('mongodb');
    const { mongoKeys } = require('feathers-hooks-common');
    /* Comment Schema
      authorId,   // User creating this Comment
      postId,     // Comment is for this Post
      edit: {
        editorId, // User last editing Comment
    const foreignKeys = [
     '_id', 'authorId', 'postId', 'edit.editorId'
    module.exports = { before: {
      find: mongoKeys(ObjectID, foreignKeys)
    } };
    // Usage
    comment.find({ query: { postId: '111111111111' } })             // Get all Comments for the Post.
    comment.find({ query: { authorId: { $in: [...] } } })           // Get all Comments from these authors.
    comment.find({ query: { edit: { editorId: { $in: [...] } } } }) // Get all comments edited by these editors.
  • Details

    In MongoDB, foreign keys must be wrapped in ObjectID when used in a query, e.g. comment.find({ query: { authorId: new ObjectID('111111111111') } }).

    mongoKeys automates this, given the field names of all the foreign keys in the schema. This reduces the boilerplate clutter and reduces the chance of bugs occurring.


Pass context.params from client to server. Server hook.

  • Arguments

    • {Array< String > | String} whitelist
whitelistdot notationNames of the props permitted to be in context.params. Other props are ignored. This is a security feature.
  • Example

    // client
    const { paramsForServer } = require('feathers-hooks-common');
        query: { dept: 'a' },
        populate: 'po-1',
        serialize: 'po-mgr'
    // server
    const { paramsFromClient } = require('feathers-hooks-common');
    module.exports = {
      before: {
        all: [paramsFromClient('populate', 'serialize', 'otherProp'), myHook]
    // myHook's `context.params` will now be
    // { query: { dept: 'a' }, populate: 'po-1', serialize: 'po-mgr' } }
  • Details

    By default, only the context.params.query object is transferred from a Feathers client to the server, for security among other reasons. However you can explicitly transfer other context.params props with the client utility function paramsForServer in conjunction with the paramsFromClient hook on the server.

    This technique also works for service calls made on the server.


Join related records.


fastJoin is preferred over using populate.

  • Arguments

    • {Object} options

      • {Object | Function} schema

        • {String} service

        • {any} [ permissions ]

        • {Array< Object > | Object} include

          • {String} service

          • {String} [ nameAs ]

          • {String} [ parentField ]

          • {String} [ childField]

          • {String} [ permissions ]

          • {Object} [ query ]

          • {Function} [ select ]

          • {Boolean} [ asArray ]

          • {Boolean | Number} [ paginate ]

          • {Boolean} [ useInnerPopulate ]

          • {undefined}} [ provider ]

          • {Array< Object > | Object} include

            • ...
      • {Function} [ checkPermissions ]

      • {Boolean} [ profile ]

schemaObject Function(context, options) => {}Info on how to join records.
checkPermissionsFunctionno permission checkCheck if call allowed joins.
profileBooleanfalseIf profile info is to be gathered.
serviceStringThe name of the service providing the items, actually its path.
nameAsdot notationserviceWhere to place the items from the join
parentFielddot notationThe name of the field in the parent item for the relation.
childFielddot notation if database supports itThe name of the field in the child item for the relation. Dot notation is allowed and will result in a query like { 'name.first': 'John' } which is not suitable for all DBs. You may use query or select to create a query suitable for your DB.
permissionsanyno permission checkWho is allowed to perform this join. See checkPermissions above.
queryObjectAn object to inject into context.params.query.
selectFunction(context, parentItem, depth) => {}A function whose result is injected into the query.
asArrayBooleanfalseForce a single joined item to be stored as an array.
paginateBoolean NumberfalseControls pagination for this service.
useInnerPopulateBooleanfalsePerform any populate or fastJoin registered on this service.
providerundefinedCall the service as the server, not with the client's transport.
includeArray< Object > or ObjectContinue recursively join records to these records.

Read the guide for more information on the arguments.

  • Examples

    • 1:1 relationship
    // users like { _id: '111', name: 'John', roleId: '555' }
    // roles like { _id: '555', permissions: ['foo', bar'] }
    import { populate } from 'feathers-hooks-common';
    const userRoleSchema = {
      include: {
        service: 'roles',
        nameAs: 'role',
        parentField: 'roleId',
        childField: '_id'
      after: {
        all: populate({ schema: userRoleSchema })
    // result like
    // { _id: '111', name: 'John', roleId: '555',
    //   role: { _id: '555', permissions: ['foo', bar'] } }
    • 1:n relationship
    // users like { _id: '111', name: 'John', roleIds: ['555', '666'] }
    // roles like { _id: '555', permissions: ['foo', 'bar'] }
    const userRolesSchema = {
      include: {
        service: 'roles',
        nameAs: 'roles',
        parentField: 'roleIds',
        childField: '_id'
      after: {
        all: populate({ schema: userRolesSchema })
    // result like
    // { _id: '111', name: 'John', roleIds: ['555', '666'], roles: [
    //   { _id: '555', permissions: ['foo', 'bar'] }
    //   { _id: '666', permissions: ['fiz', 'buz'] }
    // ]}
    • n:1 relationship
    // posts like { _id: '111', body: '...' }
    // comments like { _id: '555', text: '...', postId: '111' }
    const postCommentsSchema = {
      include: {
        service: 'comments',
        nameAs: 'comments',
        parentField: '_id',
        childField: 'postId'
      after: {
        all: populate({ schema: postCommentsSchema })
    // result like
    // { _id: '111', body: '...' }, comments: [
    //   { _id: '555', text: '...', postId: '111' }
    //   { _id: '666', text: '...', postId: '111' }
    // ]}
    • Multiple and recursive includes
    const schema = {
      service: '...',
      permissions: '...',
      include: [
          service: 'users',
          nameAs: 'authorItem',
          parentField: 'author',
          childField: 'id',
          include: [ ... ],
          service: 'comments',
          parentField: 'id',
          childField: 'postId',
          query: {
            $limit: 5,
            $select: ['title', 'content', 'postId'],
            $sort: {createdAt: -1}
          select: (hook, parent, depth) => ({ $limit: 6 }),
          asArray: true,
          provider: undefined,
          service: 'users',
          permissions: '...',
          nameAs: 'readers',
          parentField: 'readers',
          childField: 'id'
    module.exports.after = {
      all: populate({ schema, checkPermissions, profile: true })
    • Flexible relationship, similar to the n:1 relationship example above
    // posts like { _id: '111', body: '...' }
    // comments like { _id: '555', text: '...', postId: '111' }
    const postCommentsSchema = {
      include: {
        service: 'comments',
        nameAs: 'comments',
        select: (hook, parentItem) => ({ postId: parentItem._id })
      after: {
        all: populate({ schema: postCommentsSchema })
    // result like
    // { _id: '111', body: '...' }, comments: [
    //   { _id: '555', text: '...', postId: '111' }
    //   { _id: '666', text: '...', postId: '111' }
    // ]}
  • Details

    We often want to combine rows from two or more tables based on a relationship between them. The populate hook will select records that have matching values in both tables.

    populate supports 1:1, 1:n and n:1 relationships. It can provide performance profile information.


Prevent patch service calls from changing certain fields.

  • Arguments

  • {Boolean} ifThrow

  • {Array < String >} fieldNames

ifThrowBooleanDeletes any fieldNames if false; throws if true.
fieldNamesdot notationThe fields names which may not be patched.
  • Example

    const { preventChanges } = require('feathers-hooks-common');
    module.exports = {
      before: {
        patch: preventChanges(true, 'security.badge')
  • Details

    Consider using validateSchema if you would rather specify which fields are allowed to change.


Check selected fields exist and are not falsey. Numeric 0 is acceptable.

yesnocreate, update, patchyessource
  • Arguments
    • {Array < String >} fieldNames
fieldNamesdot notationThese fields must exist and not be falsey. Numeric 0 is acceptable.
  • Example

    const { required } = require('feathers-hooks-common');
    module.exports = {
      before: {
        all: required('email', 'password')


Run a hook in parallel to the other hooks and the service call.

  • Arguments

    • {Function} hookFunc
    • {Function} clone
    • {Number} [ depth ]
hookFuncFunctionThe hook function to run in parallel to the rest of the service call.
cloneFunctionFunction to deep clone its only parameter.
depthNumber6Depth to which context is to be cloned. 0 does not clone. A depth of 5 would clone[].item.
  • Example

    const { runParallel } = require('feathers-hooks-common');
    const clone = require('clone');
    function sendEmail(...) {
      return context => { ... };
    module.exports = { after: {
      create: runParallel(sendEmail(...), clone)
    } };
  • Details

    hookFunc is scheduled with a setTimeout. The next hook starts immediately.

    The hook was provided by bedeoverend. Thank you.


Prune values from related records. Calculate new values.

  • Arguments
    • {Object | Function} schema
      • {Array< String> | String} only
      • {Array< String> | String} exclude
      • [fieldName]: {Object} schema
      • {Object} computed
        • [fieldName]: {Function} computeFunc
schemaObject Functioncontext => schemaHow to serialize the items.
onlyArray< String> or StringThe names of the fields to keep in each item. The names for included sets of items plus _include and _elapsed are not removed by only.
excludeArray< String> or StringThe names of fields to drop in each item. You may drop, at your own risk, names of included sets of items, _include and _elapsed.
computedObjectThe new names you want added and how to compute their values.
schema .computedArgumentTypeDefaultDescription
fieldNameStringThe name of the field to add to the records.
computeFunncFunction(record, context) => valueFunction to calculate the computed value. item: The item with all its initial values, plus all of its included items. The function can still reference values which will be later removed by only and exclude. context: The context passed to serialize.
  • Example

    The schema reflects the structure of the populated records. The base records for this example have included post records, which themselves have included authorItem, readersInfo and commentsInfo records.

    const schema = {
      only: 'updatedAt',
      computed: {
        commentsCount: (recommendation, hook) =>,
      post: {
        exclude: ['id', 'createdAt', 'author', 'readers'],
        authorItem: {
          exclude: ['id', 'password', 'age'],
          computed: {
            isUnder18: (authorItem, hook) => authorItem.age < 18,
        readersInfo: {
          exclude: 'id',
        commentsInfo: {
          only: ['title', 'content'],
          exclude: 'content',
      all: [ populate( ... ), serialize(schema) ]
    module.exports = { after: {
      get: [ populate( ... ), serialize(schema) ],
      find: [ fastJoin( ... ), serialize(schema) ]
    } };
  • Details

    Works with fastJoin and populate.


The setField hook allows to set a field on the hook context based on the value of another field on the hook context.



  • from required - The property on the hook context to use. Can be an array (e.g. [ 'params', 'user', 'id' ]) or a dot separated string (e.g. '').
  • as required - The property on the hook context to set. Can be an array (e.g. [ 'params', 'query', 'userId' ]) or a dot separated string (e.g. 'params.query.userId').
  • allowUndefined (default: false) - If set to false, an error will be thrown if the value of from is undefined in an external request (params.provider is set). On internal calls (or if set to true true for external calls) the hook will do nothing.

Important: This hook should be used after the authenticate hook when accessing user fields (from params.user).

Note: When the service enable multi:true and data is an array data type, this hook may working to an unexpected result


Limit all external access of the users service to the authenticated user:

Note: For MongoDB, Mongoose and NeDB needs to be changed to params.user._id. For any other custom id accordingly.

const { authenticate } = require('@feathersjs/authentication');
const { setField } = require('feathers-hooks-common');

  before: {
    all: [
        from: '',
        as: ''

Only allow access to invoices for the users organization:

const { authenticate } = require('@feathersjs/authentication');
const { setField } = require('feathers-hooks-common');

  before: {
    all: [
        from: 'params.user.organizationId',
        as: 'params.query.organizationId'

Set the current user id as userId when creating a message and only allow users to edit and remove their own messages:

const { authenticate } = require('@feathersjs/authentication');
const { setField } = require('feathers-hooks-common');

const setUserId = setField({
  from: '',
  as: 'data.userId'
const limitToUser = setField({
  from: '',
  as: 'params.query.userId'

  before: {
    all: [
    create: [
    patch: [
    update: [
    remove: [


Create/update certain fields to the current date-time.

  • Arguments
    • {Array < String >} fieldNames
fieldNamesdot notationThe fields that you want to add or set to the current date-time.
  • Example

    const { setNow } = require('feathers-hooks-common');
    module.exports = {
      before: {
        create: setNow('createdAt', 'updatedAt')
  • Details

    Update either (before hook) or context.result[.data] (after hook).


Set slugs in URL, e.g. /stores/:storeId.

  • Arguments
    • {String} slug
    • {String} [ fieldName ]
slugStringThe slug as it appears in the route, e.g. storeId for/stores/:storeId/candies.
fieldNameStringquery[slug]The field to contain the slug value.
  • Example

    const { setSlug } = require('feathers-hooks-common');
    module.exports = {
      before: {
        all: [hooks.setSlug('storeId')]
    // `context.params.query` will always be normalized,
    // e.g. `{ size: 'large', storeId: '123' }`
  • Details

    A service may have a slug in its URL, e.g. storeId in app.use( '/stores/:storeId/candies', new Service());. The service gets slightly different values depending on the transport used by the client. .storeIdhook.params .querycode run on client
socketioundefined{ size: 'large', storeId: '123' }candies.create({ name: 'Gummi',qty: 100 }, { query: { size: 'large', storeId: '123' } })
rest:storeIdsame as abovesame as above
raw HTTP123{ size: 'large' }fetch('/stores/123/candies?size=large', ..

This hook normalizes the difference between the transports.


Filter data or result records using a MongoDB-like selection syntax.

  • Arguments

    • {Function} siftFunc
siftFuncFunctionFunction similar to context => sift(mongoQueryObj). Information about the mongoQueryObj syntax is available at crcn/sift.
  • Example

    const sift = require('sift');
    const { sifter } = require('feathers-hooks-common');
    const selectCountry = hook => sift({ '': });
    module.exports = {
      before: {
        find: sifter(selectCountry)
    const sift = require('sift');
    const { sifter } = require('feathers-hooks-common');
    const selectCountry = country => () => sift({ address: { country: country } });
    module.exports = {
      before: {
        find: sifter(selectCountry('Canada'))
  • Details

    All official Feathers database adapters support a common way for querying, sorting, limiting and selecting find method calls. These are limited to what is commonly supported by all the databases.

    The sifter hook provides an extensive MongoDB-like selection capabilities, and it may be used to more extensively select records.

    sifter filters the result of a find call. Therefore more records will be physically read than needed. You can use the Feathers database adapters query to reduce this number.`


Flag records as logically deleted instead of physically removing them. Requires a Feathers v4 or later database adapter.

  • Arguments
deletedQuery`FunctionObject`{ deleted: { $ne: true } }An object or async function that takes the query which returns the part of the query to exclude deleted entrie
removeData`FunctionObject`{ deleted: true }An object or async function that returns the data used to flag an entry as deleted

By default, softDelete queries for a deleted property not set to true (meaning it can either exist or be anything else).

Setting params.disableSoftDelete to true allows to skip the softDelete hook.

  • Example

    Basic usage:

    const { softDelete } = require('feathers-hooks-common');
    // Use standard softDelete which uses `deleted: true`
      before: {
        all: [softDelete()]
    //  will set `deleted: true` for entry with id 1
    // Will find all people where `deleted` is not `true`
    let people = app.service('people').find();
    // `get`, `patch`, `update` or `remove` on a deleted entry will throw NotFound

    Customizing deletedQuery and removeData to e.g. use deletedAt:

    // Use deletedAt and set when the entry was deleted
      before: {
        all: [
            // context is the normal hook context
            deletedQuery: async context => {
              return { deletedAt: null };
            removeData: async context => {
              return { deletedAt: new Date() };
        create: [
          context => {
   = null;


Stash current value of record, usually before mutating it. Performs a get call.

yesnoget, update, patch, removeyessource
  • Arguments
    • {String} fieldName
fieldName'before'The name of the context.params property to contain the current record value.
  • Example

    const { stashBefore } = require('feathers-hooks-common');
    module.exports = {
      before: {
        patch: stashBefore()
  • Details

    The hook performs its own preliminary get call. If the original service call is also a get, its context.params is used for the preliminary get. The preliminary get will be skipped if params.disableStashBefore is truthy.

    For any other method the calling params are formed from the original calling context:

    { provider: context.params.provider,
      authenticated: context.params.authenticated,
      user: context.params.user }


Transform fields & objects in place in the record(s) using a recursive walk. Powerful.

  • Arguments
    • {Function} transformer
    • {Function} [ getObject ]
transformerFunctionCalled for every node in every record(s). May change the node in place. or context.result[.data]Function with signature context => {} which returns the object to traverse.
  • Example

    const { traverse } = require('feathers-hooks-common');
    // Trim strings
    const trimmer = function (node) {
      if (typeof node === 'string') {
    // REST HTTP request may use the string 'null' in its query string.
    // Replace these strings with the value null.
    const nuller = function (node) {
      if (node === 'null') {
    module.exports = {
      before: {
        create: traverse(trimmer),
        find: traverse(nuller, context => context.params.query)
  • Details

    Traverse and transform objects in place by visiting every node on a recursive walk. Any object in the hook may be traversed, including the query object.

    traverse (NPM) documents the extensive methods and context available to the transformer function.


Execute a series of hooks if a sync or async predicate is falsey.

  • Arguments
    • {Boolean | Promise | Function} predicate
    • {Array< Function >} hookFuncs
predicateBoolean, Promise or FunctionRun hookFunc if the predicate is false. If a function, predicate is called with the context as its param. It returns either a boolean or a Promise that evaluates to a boolean.
hookFuncsArray< Function >Sync or async hook functions to run if true. They may include other conditional hooks.
  • Example

    const { isProvider, unless } = require('feathers-hooks-common');
    module.exports = {
      before: {
        create: unless(
          unless(isProvider('rest'), hook1, hook2, hook3),
  • Details

    Resolve the predicate to a boolean. Run the hooks sequentially if the result is falsey.

    The predicate and hook functions will not be called with this set to the service, as is normal for hook functions. Use hook.service instead.


Validate data using a validation function.

yesnocreate, update, patchyessource
  • Arguments

    • {Function} validator
validatorFunctionValidation function. See Details below..
  • Example

    const { validate } = require('feathers-hooks-common');
    const { promisify } = require('util');
    // function myCallbackValidator(values, cb) { ... }
    const myValidator = promisify(myCallbackValidator);
    module.exports = {
      before: {
        create: validate(myValidator)
  • Details

    The validation function may be sync or return a Promise. Sync functions return either an error object like { fieldName1: 'message', ... } or null. They may also throw with throw new errors.BadRequest({ errors: errors });.

    Promise functions should throw on an error or reject with new errors.BadRequest('Error message', { errors: { fieldName1: 'message', ... } });. Their .then returns either sanitized values to replace, or null.

    The validator's parameters are

    • {Object} formValues
    • {Object} context

    Sync functions return either an error object like { fieldName1: 'message', ... } or null. Validate will throw on an error object with throw new errors.BadRequest({ errors: errorObject });.

    • {Object | null} errors
formValuesObjectThe data, e.g. { name: 'John', ... }
contextObjectThe hook context.
errorsObject nullAn error object like { fieldName1: 'message', ... }

If you have a different signature for the validator then pass a wrapper as the validator e.g. values => myValidator(..., values, ...).

Wrap your validator in Node's util.promisify if it uses a callback.


Validate data using JSON-Schema.

  • Arguments
    • {Object} schema
    • {Function | Object} ajv
    • {Object} options
      • {Function} [ addNewError ]
      • ...
schemaObjectThe JSON-schema.
ajvFunction ObjectThe ajv validator. Could be either the Ajv constructor or an instance of it.
optionsObjectOptions for validateSchema and ajv.
addNewErrorFunctionsee belowCustom error message formatter.
otheranyAny ajv options. Only effective when the second parameter is the Ajv constructor.
  • Example

    const Ajv = require('ajv');
    const createSchema = {
      /* JSON-Schema */
      create: validateSchema(createSchema, Ajv)
    const Ajv = require('ajv');
    const ajv = new Ajv({ allErrors: true, $data: true });
    ajv.addFormat('allNumbers', '^d+$');
    const createSchema = {
      /* JSON-Schema */
      create: validateSchema(createSchema, ajv)
  • Details

    There are some good tutorials on using JSON-Schema with Ajv.

    If you need to customize Ajv with new keywords, formats or schemas, then instead of passing the Ajv constructor, you may pass in an instance of Ajv as the second parameter. In this case you need to pass Ajv options to the Ajv instance when newing, rather than passing them in the third parameter of validateSchema. See the examples.

  • options.addNewError

    The hook will throw if the data does not match the JSON-Schema. error.errors will, by default, contain an array of error messages. You may change this with a custom formatting function. Its a reducing function which works similarly to Array.reduce(). Its parameters are

    • {any} currentFormattedMessages
    • {Object} ajvErrorObject
    • {Number} itemsLen
    • {Number} index

    It returns

    • {any} newFormattedMessages
currentFormattedMessagesanyinitially nullFormatted messages so far. Initially null.
ajvErrorObjectObjectajv error object
itemsLenNumberHow many data items there are. 1-based.
itemNumberWhich item this is. 0-based.
newFormattedMessagesanyThe function returns the updated formatted messages.

error.errors will, by default, contain an array of error messages. By default the message will look like

  '\'in row 1 of 3, first\' should match format "startWithJo"',
  "in row 1 of 3, should have required property 'last'",
  '\'in row 2 of 3, first\' should match format "startWithJo"',
  "in row 3 of 3, should have required property 'last'"

You could, for example, return { name1: message, name2: message } which might be more suitable for a UI.

  • Internationalization of Messages

    You can consider using ajv-i18n, together with ajv's messages option, to internationalize your error messages.

    You can also consider copying addNewErrorDflt, the default error message formatter, modifying it for your needs, and using that as newFormattedMessages.


An alias for iff.

Released under the MIT License.