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Build params for a service call.

  • Arguments

    • {Object} options
optionsObjectHow to construct params for service call.
queryObjectThe params.query for the calling params.
propNamesArray< String >[]The names of the props in context.params to include in the new params.
newPropsObject{}Additional props to add to the new params.
hooksToDisableArray< String >[]The names of hooks to disable during the service call. populate, fastJoin, softDelete and stashBefore are supported.
ignoreDefaultsBooleanIgnore the defaults propNames and newProps.
  • Returns

    • {Function}

    • Arguments

    • {Object} context

contextObjectThe context of the hook which will make the service call.
  • Returns

    • {Object} newParams
newParamsObjectThe params for the service call.
  • Example

    const { callingParams, callingParamsDefaults } = require('feathers-hooks-common');
    // Authentication props to always copy. Suitable for feathers-authentication-management.
    callingParamsDefaults(['provider', 'authenticated', 'user', 'isVerified']);
    async function myCustomHook(context) {
      // ...
      const result = await service.find(callingParams({
        query: { { id: { $in: [1, 2, 3] } } },
        propNames: ['customProp'],
        newProps: { mongoose: ... },
        hooksToDisable: 'populate'
      // ...
  • Details

    When calling another service within a hook, consideration must be given to what the params should be for the called service. For example, should the called service see that a client is making the call, or the server? What authentication and authorization information should be provided? You can use this convenience function to help create that params.

    The properties provider, authenticated and user are the standard authentication properties used by Feathers. They are copied automatically.

    These defaults and others can be changed app-wide by calling the callingParamsDefaults utility.


Set defaults for building params for service calls with callingParams.

  • Arguments

    • {Array< String >} propNames
    • {Object} newProps
propNamesArray< String >The names of the props in context.params to automatically include in the new params.
newPropsObjectAdditional props to add to the new params.
  • Example

    const { callingParams, callingParamsDefaults } = require('feathers-hooks-common');
    // Authentication props to always copy. Suitable for feathers-authentication-management.
    // Only hooks will be calling `callingParams`. Set a flag so other hooks recognize such a call.
    callingParamsDefaults(['provider', 'authenticated', 'user', 'isVerified'], { _calledByHook: true });
    async function myCustomHook(context) {
      // ...
      const result = await service.find(callingParams({
        query: { { id: { $in: [1, 2, 3] } } },
        propNames: ['customProp'],
        newProps: { mongoose: ... },
        hooksToDisable: 'populate'
      }), context);
      // ...
  • Details

    When calling another service within a hook, consideration must be given to what the params should be for the called service. For example, should the called service see that a client is making the call, or the server? What authentication and authorization information should be provided? You can use this convenience function to help create that params.

    The properties provider, authenticated and user are the standard authentication properties used by Feathers. They are copied automatically.

    These defaults and others can be changed app-wide by calling the callingParamsDefaults utility.


Restrict a hook to run for certain methods and method types.

  • Arguments
    • {Object} context
    • {String | Array< String >} [ type ]
    • {String | Array< String >} [ methods ]
    • {String} [ label ]

| Argument | Type | Default | Description | | --------- | :------: | ---------------- | --------------------------------- | --------------------------------------------------------------- | | context | Object | | The hook context. | | type | String | Array< String > | all types | The service type allowed - before, after, error. | | methods | String | Array< String > | all methods | The service methods allowed - find, get, update, patch, remove. | | label | String | 'anonymous' | Name of hook to use with throw. |

  • Example

    const { checkContext } = require('feathers-hooks-common');
    function myHook(context) {
      checkContext(context, 'after', ['create', 'remove']);
    module.exports = { before: {
        create: [ myHook ] // throws
    } };
    // checkContext(hook, 'before', ['update', 'patch'], 'hookName');
    // checkContext(hook, null, ['update', 'patch']);
    // checkContext(hook, 'before', null, 'hookName');
    // checkContext(hook, 'before');
  • Details

    Its important to ensure the hook is being used as intended. checkContext let's you restrict the hook to a hook type and a set of service methods.


Sequentially execute multiple sync or async hooks.

  • Arguments
    • {Array< Function >} hookFuncs
hookFuncsArray<Function >Hooks, used the same way as when you register them.
  • Example

    const { combine, createdAt, updatedAt } = require('feathers-hooks-common');
    async function myCustomHook(context) {
      const newContext = await combine(setNow('createdAt'), setNow('updatedAt')).call(this, context);
      return newContext;
  • Details

    combine has the signature of a hook, but is primarily intended to be used within your custom hooks, not when registering hooks.

The following is a better technique to use when registering hooks.

const workflow = [createdAt(), updatedAt(), ...];

module.exports = { before: {
  update: [...workflow],
  patch: [...workflow],
} };


Return the and of a series of sync or async predicate functions.

  • Arguments
    • {Array< Function >} predicates
predicatesArray< Function >Functions which take the current hook as a param and return a boolean result.


  • {Boolean} result
resultBooleanThe logical and of predicates
  • Example

    const { iff, every } = require('feathers-hooks-common');
    module.exports = { before: {
        create: iff(every(hook1, hook2, ...), hookA, hookB, ...)
    } };
  • Details

    every is a predicate function for use in conditional hooks. The predicate functions are run in parallel, and true is returned if every predicate returns a truthy value.


Get the records in or context.result

  • Arguments
    • {Object} context
contextObjectThe hook context.


  • {Array< Object > | Object | undefined} records

| Name | Type | Description | | ------- | --------------- | ----------- | --------- | ------------ | | records | Array< Object > | Object | undefined | The records. |

  • Example

    const { getItems, replaceItems } = require('feathers-hooks-common');
    const insertCode = code => context => {
      const items = getItems(context);
      if (Array.isArray(items)) {
        items.forEach(item => {
          item.code = code;
      } else {
        items.code = code;
      replaceItems(context, items);
    module.exports = {
      before: {
        create: insertCode('a')
  • Details

    getItems gets the records from the hook context: (before hook) or context.result[.data] (after hook).


Negate a sync or async predicate function.

  • Arguments

    • {Function | Boolean} predicate
predicateFunction BooleanA sync or async function which take the current hook as a param and returns a boolean result.


  • {Boolean} result
resultBooleanThe not of predicate
  • Example

    const { iff, isNot, isProvider, discard } = require('feathers-hooks-common');
    const isRequestor = () => context => new Promise(resolve, reject) => ... );
    module.exports = { after: {
        create: iff(isNot(isRequestor()), discard('password'))
    } };
  • Details

    isNot is a predicate function for use in conditional hooks.


Check which transport provided the service call.

  • Arguments
    • {Array< String >} transports
transportsArray< String >The transports you want to allow.
socketioAllow calls by Socket.IO transport.
restAllow calls by REST transport.
externalAllow calls other than from server.
serverAllow calls from server.


  • {Boolean} result
resultBooleanIf the call was made by one of the transports.
  • Example

    const { iff, isProvider, discard } = require('feathers-hooks-common');
    module.exports = {
      after: {
        create: iff(isProvider('external'), discard('password'))
  • Details

    isProvider is a predicate function for use in conditional hooks. Its determines which transport provided the service call by checking context.params.provider.


Build context.params for service calls.

Tip: You should prefer using the callingParams utility to makeCallingParams.

  • Arguments

    • {Object} context
    • {Object} [ query ]
    • {Array< String > | String} [ include ]
    • {Object} [ inject ]
contextObjectThe existing hook context.
queryObjectThe context.params.query for the new context.
includeArray< String >The names of the props in context to include in the new context.
injectObjectAdditional props to add to the new context.
  • Returns

    • {Object} newContext
newContextObjectThe new context created.
  • Example

    const { makeCallingParams } = require('feathers-hooks-common');
    async function myCustomHook(context) {
      // ...
      const result = await service.find(makeCallingParams(
        context, { id: { $in: [1, 2, 3] } }, 'user',
        { _populate: false, mongoose: ... }
      // ...
  • Details

    When calling another service within a hook, consideration must be given to what the context.params should be for the called service. For example, should the called service see that a client is making the call, or the server? What authentication and authorization information should be provided? You can use this convenience function to help create that context.params.

    The value context.params._populate: 'skip' is automatically added to skip any fastJoin or populate hooks registered on the called service. Set it to false, like in the example above, to make those hooks run.


Pass an explicit context.params from client to server. Client-side.

  • Arguments
    • {Object} params
    • {Array< String >} [ whitelist ]
paramsObjectThe context.params to use for the service call, including any query object.
whitelistdot notationall props in context.paramsNames of the props in context.params to transfer to the server. This is a security feature. All props are transferred if no whitelist is provided.
  • Example

    // client
    const { paramsForServer } = require('feathers-hooks-common');
        query: { dept: 'a' },
        populate: 'po-1',
        serialize: 'po-mgr'
    // server
    const { paramsFromClient } = require('feathers-hooks-common');
    module.exports = {
      before: {
        all: [paramsFromClient('populate', 'serialize', 'otherProp'), myHook]
    // myHook's `context.params` will now be
    // { query: { dept: 'a' }, populate: 'po-1', serialize: 'po-mgr' } }
  • Details

    By default, only the context.params.query object is transferred from a Feathers client to the server, for security among other reasons. However you can explicitly transfer other context.params props with the client utility function paramsForServer in conjunction with the paramsFromClient hook on the server.

    This technique also works for service calls made on the server.

    The data is transfered using `context.params.query.$client`. If that field already exists, it must be an Object.


Replace the records in or context.result[.data].

  • Arguments

    • {Object} context
    • {Array< Object > | Object} records
contextObjectThe hook context.
recordsArray< Object > ObjectThe new records.
  • Example

    const { getItems, replaceItems } = require('feathers-hooks-common');
    const insertCode = code => context {
      const items = getItems(context);
      if (Array.isArray(items)) {
        items.forEach(item => { item.code = code; });
      } else {
        items.code = code;
      replaceItems(context, items);
    module.exports = { before: {
      create: insertCode('a')
    } };
  • Details

    replaceItems replaces the records in the hook context: (before hook) or context.result[.data] (after hook).


Let's you call a hook right after the service call.

  • Arguments
    • {Object} [ hookContext ]
    • {Function} hookFunc
hookContextObject{}The context for hookFunc.
hookFuncFunctionThe hook to run.
  • Example

    const { keep, runHook } = require('feathers-hooks-common');
      .then( runHook()(keep('name', 'address.state')) )
      .then(data => ...); // [{ name: 'Marshall', address: { state: 'UT' }}]
    const data = await user.get(...);
    const result = await runHook()(data)(keep('name', 'address.state'));
    const { fastJoin, runHook } = require('feathers-hooks-common');
    const runHookFinds = runHook({ app: app, method: 'find' });
    const paymentsRecords = [
      { _id: 101, amount: 100, patientId: 1 },
      { _id: 102, amount: 105, patientId: 1 },
      { _id: 103, amount: 110, patientId: 1 },
      { _id: 104, amount: 115, patientId: 2 },
      { _id: 105, amount: 120, patientId: 3 },
      { _id: 106, amount: 125, patientId: 3 }
    await payments.create(paymentsRecords);
    const patientsRecords = [
      { _id: 1, name: 'John' },
      { _id: 2, name: 'Marshall' },
      { _id: 3, name: 'David' }
    await patients.create(patientsRecords);
    const paymentResolvers = {
      joins: {
        patient: () => async payment => {
          payment.patient = (
            await patients.find({
              query: {
                id: payment.patientId
    await payments
      .then(data => console.log(data));
    // log
      { _id: 101, amount: 100, patientId: 1, patient: { _id: 1, name: 'John' } },
      { _id: 102, amount: 105, patientId: 1, patient: { _id: 1, name: 'John' } },
      { _id: 103, amount: 110, patientId: 1, patient: { _id: 1, name: 'John' } },
        _id: 104,
        amount: 115,
        patientId: 2,
        patient: { _id: 2, name: 'Marshall' }
      { _id: 105, amount: 120, patientId: 3, patient: { _id: 3, name: 'David' } },
      { _id: 106, amount: 125, patientId: 3, patient: { _id: 3, name: 'David' } }
  • Details

    Hooks are normally registered for a service, e.g. in project/src/services /posts/posts.hooks.js. This is nice and simple when, for example, all the find hooks have to run for every find call.

    The conditional hooks can be used when hooks have to be conditionally run based on the current environment. For example, we can discard the password field when the call is made by a client.

    However things are not always so straightforward. There can be that one call for which we want to join specific records. We could add a conditional hook that runs just for that one call, however we may soon find ourselves with a second and a third special case.

    runHook is designed for such cases. Instead of having to register a conditioned hook, it allows us to run the hook in a .then() right after the service call.


Return the or of a series of sync or async predicate functions.

  • Arguments

    • {Array< Function >} predicates
predicatesArray< Function >Functions which take the current hook as a param and return a boolean result.


  • {Boolean} result
resultBooleanThe logical or of predicates
  • Example

    const { iff, some } = require('feathers-hooks-common');
    module.exports = { before: {
        create: iff(some(hook1, hook2, ...), hookA, hookB, ...)
    } };
  • Details

    some is a predicate function for use in conditional hooks. The predicate functions are run in parallel, and true is returned if any predicate returns a truthy value.

Released under the MIT License.